Identify Contacts - Filter by:
Contact Owner is: Me
Lead Status is: New
Research Contact
Add LinkedIn Bio to their profile
Add Job Title to Contact record
Confirm shelter link in their Company record
Enroll in an email sequence or call to follow up
Only after this is done, update Lead Status: In Progress
Manage In Progress Leads
Identify Contacts - Filter by:
Contact Owner is: Me
Lead Status is: In Progress
Scan for engagement
Last page seen
Last email clicked
Scan for value
Yearly Adoptions
Job Title
Phone Number
If no engagement, update Lead Status: Open.
If engagement or value: Send thoughtful communication or phone call.
Create a new deal?
Deals reflect a Contact that has proactively indicated interest in purchasing the product after knowing the general costs and features. This is usually following a discovery sales call or if a person has sent a very specific, proactive inquiry email.