Welcome to the Hubspot Guide
At some stage, the it was decided that our products aren’t a good fit for their organization. This could have been encouraged by the salesperson or decided by the prospect. Be sure to enter a Closed Reason at this stage.
Deal Fields
Dates Explainer:
Deals are an expression of a temporary
Associated Contact Create Date
Contract Start Date / Launch Date
This is the date they begin serviceservice start date for this Deal period. This is key for customer success, as this serves as the basis for certain check-in communications.
This is when their contract ends. Also key for customer success, as it informs renewal, rebooking, and churn-related conversations & timelines.
Yearly Intake
This is the estimated number of animals being accepted by the shelter in the time period covered by the Deal.
Yearly Adoptions
This is the estimated number of animals being adopted via the shelter in the time period covered by the Deal.
Products Subscriptions
These are the products that the client is buying from us in this particular Deal.
Processes & Protocols
AKA: “How do I?”
New Leads
Identify eligible Contacts - Filter by:
Contact Owner is: Me
Lead Status is: In Progress
Lifecycle Stage is: Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead
Scan for engagement
Last page seen
Last email clicked
Scan for value
Yearly Adoptions
Job Title
Phone Number
If no engagement, update Lead Status: Open.
If engagement or value: Send thoughtful communication or phone call.
New Deal
Deals reflect a Contact that has proactively indicated interest in purchasing the product after knowing the general costs and features. This is usually following a discovery sales call or if a person has sent a very specific, proactive inquiry email.
Name the deal 🚧 Naming conventions under constructionAdd an amount - for a Deal to really be a Deal, we -
<Company Name> - <Product (Adopets or ShelterBuddy)> - <Time Period>.
“Animal Welfare League of Arlington - ShelterBuddy - 2023”Add Amount - We should have enough information about them to ballpark an amount. We can narrow it down later. If you need a placeholder, put our average contract value in this space or multiply their adoptions by our expected income per adoption.
Add the Currency, which is just their locality
Add all associated Contacts to the Deal record.
Add an Associated Contact Create Engage Date - This is a very important manual entry 🔑 key field and can really only be done manually. This is the date that the initial contact reached out to us. For new Deals that’s pretty simple, : it’s just the create date of the initial contactContact. But for referrals or recurring business it’s the date that the person reached out and said “hey, we’d like to extend a year or add a feature,” and that requires some human touch. This is crucial as it defines our sales cycle length, a top-5 metricrequires human touch.
Estimate the Close Date (Hubspot default is the final day of the current month, but update this manually based on what you’ve learned about the deal or based on our average sales cycle length. This is important for follow up).
Enter the Products Subscriptions field for what product or feature set the person is evaluating.
NOTE: Please maintain separate Deals for Adopets and ShelterBuddy opportunities. Why? Adopets recognizes variable revenue in hindsight, SB forecasts predictable revenue. Each has a different customer success cadence.
Engaging Opportunities
Under construction