Versions Compared


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Welcome to the Hubspot Guide


Customer - When a Deal is won, all associated Contacts are moved to Customers. Nice!


Non-intuitive policy - A former customer is:
Lifecycle Stage: Customer
Lead Status: Open

Evangelist - These are Customers that go a step further. Evangelists are more likely to participate in beta programs, fully utilize our features, engage with our customer success communications and marketing, referral programs, reviews, and more.


This helps us differentiate which business unit the Contact came in from. 🚧 This name might be a little confusing with Original, but we’ll leave it for now.


Hubspot Score


Under construction . We have fields for “Annual Adoptions” that is single line text and “Yearly Adoptions” that’s a drop-down select for form intake. Adoptions aren’t conducted by a person but rather via their organization (Company) or the estimate for their contract (Deal).

⚠️ Currently, we have fields for “Annual Adoptions” that is single line text and “Yearly Adoptions” that’s a drop-down select for form intake. Adoptions aren’t conducted by a person but rather as a function of their organization (Company) or the estimate for their contract (Deal), and I think we should shy away from relying on user-submitted text in either of these fields for the source of truth for adoptions.

Hubspot Score


Under construction until we have better understanding of what factors influence lead quality.

Contact Type


until we have better understanding of what factors influence lead quality.

Contact Type

This field denotes how the contact engages with us.


Prospect - They’re an organization interested in using our product or a customer. Primarily these are animal shelters.

Partner - These are organizations that we align and collaborate with.


Intake - The number of animals taken in by the organization per year

Yearly Adoptions - The number most recent estimate of estimated adoptions conducted by the organization each in the past year.

Organization Size - The number of people that work there


This is the date that the initial contact was made by the first associated Contact in the Deal. This field is manual entry and, if we end up having a lot of inbound leads, is incredibly important.Starting November 2022, this will be a required field on deal creation, so I’ll post a Loom video about itleads, is important.

Create Date

This is the date the Deal was created and is automatically input when creating the Deal.



Note: Reasons might need supplementary notes. Like, if a person buys based on Features, what specific features do they like? Better to keep Reason as general but then document the specifics somewhere.


Deal Start Date


This is the service start date for this Deal period. This is key for customer success, as this serves as the basis for certain check-in communications.


Deal End Date


This is when their contract ends. Also key for customer success, as it informs renewal, rebooking, and churn-related conversations & timelines.

Client Activity Status

Need for the field is to make sure an account is being closed.

Deal type

New - These are Deals that are new to our company. The easiest are new leads that come in that have never booked business with us before. Edge cases include: Customers that used to work with us, stopped, and then came back to use years later.


Yearly Adoptions

This is the estimated number of animals being adopted via the shelter in the time period covered by the Deal.


best estimate of customer or prospect adoptions Deal’s service period (start/end dates).

Modules (Formerly Products Subscriptions)


Under construction - we’re simplifying features and bundles and changing the way we communicate it. Stay tuned.

These are the products that the client is buying from us in this particular Deal. A full PDF of these with some additional details about what’s included in PRO and EXPRESS can be found at the file here:


The Help Desk is the central hub where we receive incoming customer concerns via Forms and email ( and Help Desk is where we field incoming tickets and track tickets that we are actively solving as support coordinators. Help Desk is not meant to be a repository of existing & known customer issues.


Pipelines are where known tickets are allocated for long-term service. Currently, there are 3 Pipelines:

  1. Support Pipeline - these are incoming tickets and, at time of writing, is synonymous with Help Desk. These are small tickets that can actively be solved by a coordinator or are awaiting escalation.

  2. Account Manager Tickets - These are tickets that are best served by someone that has with a relationship with the shelter, is deeply familiar with shelter operations, or is out outside of the control of the revenue team (engineering tickets, mostly) but need to be monitored to make sure they’re being addressed. This is also the Pipeline where Tickets should be directed if they’re being created from an Account Manager’s gmail inbox (example: a customer directly emails with a specific concern that isn’t solved in a quick message, it’s good to create a Ticket in this field so that we have a track record of their concerns).

  3. Onboarding Pipeline - These are tickets specific to Onboarding tasks for new clients and generally should not have Tickets escalated to it unless a currently-onboarding customer submits a Ticket through our support Form.

  4. AME - This Pipeline is specific to the PetSmart / AME campaign and is not covered by the documentation in this guide.


Processes & Protocols

AKA: “How do I?”


Accept New Leads

Click to view your New Leads.


Note: If a person has entered their phone number, they have done so voluntarily. If you can respond to their inquiry within a few minutes, then a phone call will get you straight to the discovery process and you’re underway. Be sure to log phone calls as calls in Hubspot, not Notes. This way your activity gets tracked and you can be recognized for those lightning fast reflexes!

Manage In Progress Leads

  1. Identify eligible Contacts - Filter by:

    1. Contact Owner is: Me

    2. Lead Status is: In Progress

    3. Lifecycle Stage is: Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead

  2. Scan for engagement

    1. Last page seen

    2. Last email clicked

  3. Scan for value

    1. Yearly Adoptions

    2. Job Title

    3. Phone Number

  4. Actions

    1. If no engagement, update Lead Status: Open.

    2. If engagement or value: Send thoughtful communication or phone call.

Create New Deal

Deals reflect a Contact that has proactively indicated interest in purchasing the product after knowing the general costs and features. This is usually following a discovery sales call or if a person has sent a very specific, proactive inquiry email.

  1. Name the deal -
    <Company Name> - <Product (Adopets or ShelterBuddy)> - <Time Period>.
    “Animal Welfare League of Arlington - ShelterBuddy - 2023”

  2. Add Amount - We should have enough information to ballpark an amount. We can narrow it down later. If you need a placeholder, put our average contract value in this space or multiply their adoptions by our expected income per adoption.

    1. Add the Currency, which is just their locality

  3. Add all associated Contacts to the Deal record.

  4. Add an Associated Contact Engage Date - This is a 🔑 key field and can only be done manually. This is the date that the initial contact reached out to us. For new Deals that’s simple: it’s the create date of the Contact. But for referrals or recurring business it’s the date that the person reached out and said “hey, we’d like to extend a year or add a feature,” and that requires human touch.

  5. Estimate the Close Date (Hubspot default is the final day of the current month, but update this manually based on what you’ve learned about the deal or based on our average sales cycle length. This is important for follow up).

  6. If call recording has finished processing, add a Google Drive link to Discovery Call Recording or attach the recording as an attachment.

  7. Enter the Products Subscriptions field for what product or feature set the person is evaluating.
    NOTE: Please maintain separate Deals for Adopets and ShelterBuddy opportunities. Why? Adopets recognizes variable revenue in hindsight, SB forecasts predictable revenue. Each has a different customer success cadence.


Engage Opportunities

Under construction - This will eventually be a ‘structured routines’ guide on how to manage many Deals with a sense of personalization.


Send a Contract

  1. Enter the Contract Start Date (Launch Date)and Contract End Date (Contract Renewal)

  2. Ensure the product or quote in Hubspot matches what’s being sent to the prospect.

  3. <use an IF/THEN contingency in the communication>

Win a deal?

  • Ensure contract is totally signed, not just verbal

  • Move to Closed Won

  • Support the financial team:

    • Identify the Billing Contact on the Deal or within the Company record

    • Copy the billing address from the contract to the Company or Deal record

  • Add the correct customer success manager to the field. Introduce the CS manager. ( ⚠️ this should be automated)

  • Identify the Closed Won Reason

  • Update the Company Lead Status to “In Progress” if not already done.

Lose a deal?

🚧 Under Construction

Customer Success

Accepting a new customer (CS)

  1. 🚧 A workflow should send the welcome email and schedule a call with them 🚧

  2. Ensure the Launch Date (Contract Start Date) and Contract Renewal (End Date) is accurate.

Support Ticket Triage / Escalation

When a new ticket comes in, assign a Category based on the section above. Form-based tickets will come in automatically assigned a category.


  1. Batch process: Delegate non-time-sensitive tickets to be handled with similar tickets to save time

  2. Escalate to engineering: If an issue is causing problems with a customer and cannot be handled by non-technical staff, let engineering know, tell the customer, and maintain visibility on the ticket. To keep the Help Desk clear, elevate these to Account Manager Tickets.

  3. Escalate to account management: Change Pipeline to Account Manager Tickets under “New”, assign the shelter’s Company Owner as the Ticket Owner, and then notify them publicly in the product’s CX channel on Slack.

Filter by: Ticket Status is none of: Closed, Category is: (listed below).

Batch process:

  1. Refund Adopets Adopter

  2. Process Adopets Cash Adoption

  3. Process Adopets External Adoption

  4. Manual processing / status edits

  5. Reporting Help (in some cases)
