Before escalating for custom development, please consult these steps:
Multiple Shelters: First, identify if the request benefits multiple shelters or just 1. If just 1 shelter…
If the bug or request doesn’t provide critical functionality, politely let them know that we’ll add this to our engineering backlog, but we cannot provide a time frame and it could be over 6 months.
Even if not a bug, is the request something that a reasonable person would think is included in their agreement with us?
New functionality: Is the feature an approved feature? Current “no-go” list of features we avoid investing in
Online Licensing
VolBuddy (Confirm?)
If the request is a custom development quote, convey that our minimum for these contracts is $3<$3,000000>.
After the first 10 hours of development time, additional development time is $250 per hour. If the customer agrees to these minimums, then we can have devs scope it for a more accurate estimate on total hours.
Admin Actions: Quick Fixes versus Show Stoppers: (comparing to Adopets Process External Adoption