This set of resources is used to expose the animals. To see other resources view the Resources page
Data Guidance
- PhysicalLocation is null when the pet is not in the shelter (ie. not in care).
- Contact location is the last location the animal was linked to, so for outgoing animals such as adopted animals this would be the shelter they were last in.
- Intake region is the location the pet was most recently brought into (if an animal came into the shelter multiple times).
- SecondarySpecies is null when either the pet is a purebred, or the secondary breed is unknown.
- If a date is 1/1/1900 it means no date has been entered (this is the database default).
- Spay / Neuter is not a boolean because it can be either Yes, No, or Unknown.
- For the search model,
- the searchTerm property will search animal id and name
- The StatusHistorySearch will allow you to search animals based on their status history, for example you may want only animals that have a status change in a date range, you can use this to filter by date range.
List Post
Here is a brief guide to the list post parameters:
"PersonId": This is to find animals that are currently linked to this person. It could be an owner, a finder of an animal or an agency.
"Id": the ID of the animal
"BreedId": Any animals matching the breed ID's.
"KennelId": Any animals matching the kennel Id's (ie in that kennel)
"ClassId": Any animals matching the class (e.g. domestic, wildlife, farm, etc)
"ExcludeSearchGroupId": Exclude any animals in a search group (refer to the api/v2/animal/searchgroup/ endpoint)
"PhysicalLocationId": Any animals matching the location (ie animals in the shelter, an organization can have multiple shelters)
"SearchGroupId": Include any animals in a search group (refer to the api/v2/animal/searchgroup/ endpoint)
"TypeId": Any animals matching the type (e.g. dog, cat, kitten,etc)
"UpdatedSinceUtc": Any animals updated since the specified date/time.
"SearchTerm": Any animals where the there is a match on the ID or contains the search term in their name
"IsChipped": If the animal has a microchip or not
"StatusHistorySearch" Search by date range for any animals with a status change in the supplied date range
"FromUtc": "2018-09-25T14:00:00Z",
"ToUtc": "2018-09-25T14:00:00Z"
"PhysicalLocationId": The location the pet was in at the time of the status change
"AnimalTypeId": The animal type of the animal at the time of the status change
"IncludedDeceased": Including deceased pets in the status change
"IncludeOnlyMicrochippedDuringDateRange": Only include if a pet was microchipped during the date range
"IncludeOnlyReclaimsWithMicrochipFee": Only include reclaims in the status change where a microchip fee was applied during the reclaim.
"LicenseId": The ID of any license records for the animal
"StatusId": The ID of the current status of the animal
"ExcludeStatusId": Exclude animals with this ID as its current status.
Common Scenarios
Retrieving animals available for adoption