This set of resources is used to expose the animals.
Data guidance
- Sex is "null" when it's unknown. Desexed is "null" when it's unknown. An animal by have a single Breeds when IsCrossBreed is "true".
- IsVaccinated is "null" when it is unknown
- HadHealthChecked is "null" when it is unknown
- IsWormed is "null" when it is unknown
- HadBehaviourEvaluated is "null" when it is unknown
- DOB will have a date of 1/1/1900 if the DOB is unknown (this is the database default date)
- Shelter is the physical location / region that the animal is located at, while ShelterLocation is the area in the shelter that the pet is located. For example Shelter is "Beverley Hills Shelter", and ShelterLocation is "Dog Adoptions 1"
- AvailableForAdoptionFrom: is the date the animal was made available for adoption. This is from the shelterbuddy field “Date Available From”.
Source > Date is the date the animal came into the shelter.
EditedOn is the date the animal was last updated.
- ShelterBuddyStatusDate is the current status date from ShelterBuddy.
- AdoptionSummary.Generic is a custom value which can be set per public site.
- An example generic description:
Introducing {name}! {NominativeSex} is a {colour} {breed} {animalType} located at our RSPCA {location}. {Name} is very happy to meet you and have you watching over {posessiveSex} this festive season. <a href="{viewPublicSiteUrl}">Please click here</a> to view {name}’s adoptapet profile. (RSPCA Reference Number: AID {shelterbuddyId})
The following fields are able to be used in a generic adoption summary.
Field Example {Name} / {name} Max / max {NominativeSex} / {nominativeSex} She, He, It / she, he, it {PosessiveSex} / {posessiveSex} Her, Him, It / her, him, it {Color} / {Colour} / {Color} / {colour} Blue / blue {Breed} / {breed} Poodle / poodle {AnimalType} / {animalType} Dog / dog {Location} / {location} Noosa / noosa {shelterBuddyId} 999999 {viewPublicSiteUrl}
- An example generic description:
Table 5. Animal resources
URI Description | Method | Relative URI | Notes |
Get by ID | GET | /api/v{version}/animals/{id} | |
Get by Animal Status (Deprecated) | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalStatusId={id} | |
Get by Animal Status and Shelter (Deprecated) | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalStatusId={id}&shelterId={id} | |
Get by Animal Status and State ID (Deprecated) | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalStatusId={id}&stateId={id} | |
Get by Animal Type and State ID | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalTypeId={id}&stateId={id} | |
Get by Animal Search Type | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id} | |
Get by Animal Search Type and Animal Updated After | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id}&animalUpdatedAfter={date-UTC} | Encode date using ISO 8601 format. |
Get by Animal Search Type and State ID | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id}&stateId={id} | |
Get by Animal Search Type, State ID, and Animal Updated After | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id}&stateId={id}&animalUpdatedAfter={date-UTC} | Encode date using ISO 8601 format. |
Get by ShelterBuddyId | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?shelterBuddyId={id} | Returns paged results as multiple shelter buddy sites can upload to one public site. |
language | js |
title | A sample JSON return of an animal |
linenumbers | true |
This set of resources is used to expose the animals.
Data guidance
- Id is the public site database animal Id, to reference the ShelterBuddy animal ID use the ShelterBuddyId field.
- Sex is "null" when it's unknown. Desexed is "null" when it's unknown. An animal by have a single Breeds when IsCrossBreed is "true".
- IsVaccinated is "null" when it is unknown
- HadHealthChecked is "null" when it is unknown
- IsWormed is "null" when it is unknown
- HadBehaviourEvaluated is "null" when it is unknown
- DOB will have a date of 1/1/1900 if the DOB is unknown (this is the database default date)
- Shelter is the physical location / region that the animal is located at, while ShelterLocation is the area in the shelter that the pet is located. For example Shelter is "Beverley Hills Shelter", and ShelterLocation is "Dog Adoptions 1"
- Kennel identifies the animal's current kennel number or location within a particular ShelterLocation, eg. "Dog Boarding 1, Kennel 7"
- AvailableForAdoptionFrom: is the date the animal was made available for adoption. This is from the shelterbuddy field “Date Available From”.
Source > Date is the date the animal came into the shelter.
- Age is the animals current age information
- Breed contains the animal's breed info.
- Collar represents the animal's collar details
- DefaultPhoto contains a URI of the animal's default photograph
- Photos contains an API reference to the AnimalPhotos controller
- Desexed is a nullable boolean value, where null means the desexed status is unknown.
- Features contains further details such as tail, ear and coat types, as well as eye and coat colours
- Name is the animal's name
- Size is an indication of the animal's size
- Weight is an indication of the animal's weight
- Status represents the animals current status
- Type represents the type of animal
EditedOn is the date the animal was last updated.
- AddedOn is the date this animal record was first entered.
- LostFoundAddress contains address details of the animal's last known location
- SearchTypes are the search categories the animal is associated with, eg. Available for adoption, Lost, Found
- Bonds contains API references to other animals that this animal has a relationship with
- Size is a categorisation of the animal's size
- ShelterBuddyStatusDate is the current status date from ShelterBuddy.
- YouTubeVideos is an array of YouTube video identifiers which can be appended to a url (eg.{YouTubeVideoId} OR{YouTubeVideoId}
- AdoptionSummary.EnteredBase64 and AdoptionSummary.GenericBase64 are base64 encoded UTF8 strings, which contain control characters, such as \r, \n, and \t. These properties are recommend over their non-base64 encoded versions when their use requires formatting be kept, such as when displaying the data on webpage.
- AdoptionSummary.Generic is a custom value which can be set per public site.
- An example generic description:
Introducing {name}! {NominativeSex} is a {colour} {breed} {animalType} located at our RSPCA {location}. {Name} is very happy to meet you and have you watching over {posessiveSex} this festive season. <a href="{viewPublicSiteUrl}">Please click here</a> to view {name}’s adoptapet profile. (RSPCA Reference Number: AID {shelterbuddyId})
The following fields are able to be used in a generic adoption summary.
Field Example {Name} / {name} Max / max {NominativeSex} / {nominativeSex} She, He, It / she, he, it {PosessiveSex} / {posessiveSex} Her, Him, It / her, him, it {Color} / {Colour} / {Color} / {colour} Blue / blue {Breed} / {breed} Poodle / poodle {AnimalType} / {animalType} Dog / dog {Location} / {location} Noosa / noosa {shelterBuddyId} 999999 {viewPublicSiteUrl}
- An example generic description:
Table 5. Animal resources
Get resources are ordered by animal ID unless specified otherwise.
URI Description | Method | Relative URI | Notes |
Get by ID | GET | /api/v{version}/animals/{id} | |
Get by Animal Status ID (Deprecated) | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalStatusId={id} | Use the resource Get by Animal Search Type |
Get by Animal Status ID and Shelter ID (Deprecated) | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalStatusId={id}&shelterId={id} | Use the resource Get by Animal Search Type |
Get by Animal Status ID and State ID (Deprecated) | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalStatusId={id}&stateId={id} | Use the resource Get by Animal Search Type and State ID |
Get by Animal Type ID and State ID (Deprecated) | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalTypeId={id}&stateId={id} | |
Get by Animal Search Type ID | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id} | |
Get by Animal Search Type ID and Animal Updated After | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id}&animalUpdatedAfter={date-UTC} | Encode date using ISO 8601 format. |
Get by Animal Search Type ID and State ID | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id}&stateId={id} | |
Get by Animal Search Type ID, State ID, and Animal Updated After | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id}&stateId={id}&animalUpdatedAfter={date-UTC} | Encode date using ISO 8601 format. |
Get by
| GET | /api/v{version}/animals?animalSearchTypeId={id}&shelterId={id}&stateId={id}&animalTypeId={id}&canHaveNoPhoto=true&animalUpdatedAfter={date-UTC} | Encode date using ISO 8601 format. |
Get by ShelterBuddyId | GET | /api/v{version}/animals?shelterBuddyId={id} | Returns paged results as multiple shelter buddy sites can upload to one public site. |
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
{ "ShelterBuddyStatusDate": "2013-08-10T03:44:00Z", "AddedOn": "2007-07-06T14:05:28.217Z", "AdoptionCost": 99, "AdoptionSummary": { "Entered": "Hello my name is Mumbles, I'm a beautiful boy with a big and happy heart I'm looking for love and a forever home.... could you be the one for me? I will suit a happy active home and love people. I would not like to live with little kids though my babysitting days are done.I have been desexed, micro chipped and vaccinated. I have nothing to be done and I'm just a real cutie....very smart. Trust me once we meet you will want to take me home... forever! I have a beautiful medium coat and I'm shiny black. I'm the good luck cat.If you love me please come in and see my staff they will be very excited to meet you.2 black pets for 1 magic number! Adopt two pets for the one price in October.The animal care centre is open 7 days a week from 8.30-4.00 and you can call us on 5449 1371.Please call I need you! My adoption price is $99.00Love you alreadyMumbles x x", "EnteredBase64": "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", "Generic": "Introducing Mumbles! He is a black / white domestic medium hair cat located at our RSPCA Noosa. Mumbles is very happy to meet you and have you watching over him this festive season. <a href=\"\">Please click here</a> to view Mumbles's adoptapet profile. (RSPCA Reference Number: AID 305907)", "GenericBase64": "SW50cm9kdWNpbmcgTXVtYmxlcyEgSGUgaXMgYSBibGFjayAvIHdoaXRlIGRvbWVzdGljIG1lZGl1bSBoYWlyIGNhdCBsb2NhdGVkIGF0IG91ciBSU1BDQSBOb29zYS4gTXVtYmxlcyBpcyB2ZXJ5IGhhcHB5IHRvIG1lZXQgeW91IGFuZCBoYXZlIHlvdSB3YXRjaGluZyBvdmVyIGhpbSB0aGlzIGZlc3RpdmUgc2Vhc29uLiA8YSBocmVmPSJodHRwczovL3B1YmxpYy1zaGVsdGVyYnVkZHktYXUtZGV2LnNoZWx0ZXJidWRkeS5pby9hbmltYWwvYW5pbWFsRGV0YWlscy5hc3A/c2VhcmNoVHlwZT00JmFuaW1hbElkPTQxNjM5Ij5QbGVhc2UgY2xpY2sgaGVyZTwvYT4gdG8gdmlldyBNdW1ibGVzJ3MgYWRvcHRhcGV0IHByb2ZpbGUuIChSU1BDQSBSZWZlcmVuY2UgTnVtYmVyOiBBSUQgMzA1OTA3KQ==" }, "AvailableForAdoptionFrom": null, "Age": { "DateOfBirth": "2007-01-05T14:00:00Z", "IsApproximated": true, "Months": 1, "Readable": "10 years and 1 months", "Week": 1, "Years": 10 }, "Breed": { "IsCross": true, "Primary": { "Depiction": "Domestic Medium Hair", "Uri": "/api/v1/animalBreeds/32", "Id": 32 }, "Secondary": null }, "Collar": null, "DefaultPhoto": null, "Desexed": true, "EditedOn": "2013-10-18T03:28:34.817Z", "Features": { "CoatType": { "Depiction": "Short", "Uri": "/api/v1/animalBreedsanimalCoatTypes/233", } }, "Id": 33 "AddedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00" }, "EditedOnColours": "0001-01-01T00:00:00/api/v1/animalColours?animalId=41639", "AdoptionSummaryEarType": { "EnteredDepiction": "HelloPricked", my name is Max,\r\nI am a domestic shorthair tabby male...", "Uri": "/api/v1/animalEarTypes/18", "Generic": "{Custom per site}" Id": 18 }, "AgeEyeColour": { "DateOfBirthDepiction": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Yellow", "WeekUri": 3, "/api/v1/animalEyeColours/7", "MonthsId": 2,7 }, "YearsTailType": 1, { "IsApproximatedDepiction": false"Full", "ReadableUri": "1 year and 2 months" },/api/v1/animalTailTypes/14", "FeaturesId": 14 { } }, "ColoursHadBehaviourEvaluated": null, "/api/v1/animalColours/?animalId=1"HadHealthChecked": true, "Id": 41639, "TailTypeIsVaccinated": {true, "IsMicrochipped": false, "IsWormed": true, "DepictionName": "BentMumbles", "AcoRecord": "test123", "UriPhotos": "/api/v1/animalTailType/1" }animalPhotos?animalId=41639", "LostFoundAddress": { "EarTypeState": { "DepictionName": "DroopingQLD", "Uri": "/api/v1/animalEarTypestates/1" }, "EyeColourId": {1 }, "DepictionSuburb": "Brown", { "UriName": "/api/v1/animalEyeColour/1"CAPALABA", "Id": 8921 }, "StreetType": null, "CoatTypeCountry": { "DepictionName": "SmoothAustralia", "Uri": "/api/v1/animalCoatTypecountries/13", "Id": 3 } }, "CollarDirectionOne": { "Colour": { null, "DepictionDirectionTwo": "Silver"null, "ExtraAddressDetails": null, "UriPostcode": "/api/v1/animalCollarColour/1"4157", "StreetName": null, }, "StreetNumber": null, "TypeUnitNumber": { null, "DepictionAddressType": "Wire ", "UriId": "/api/v1/animalCollarType/1"26631 }, "SearchTypes": [ } { }, "WeightDepiction": { "Adoption", "KilogramsUri": 1.5"/api/v1/animalSearchTypes/4", "PoundsId": 3.3064 }, ], "HadHealthCheckedBonds": truenull, "IsVaccinatedSex": false, "IsWormedMale": null, "HadBehaviourEvaluated": null, "SizeShelter": { "Depiction": "SmallNoosa", "Uri": "/api/v1/animalSizesshelters/118", "Id": 18 }, "ShelterLocation": "ViewPublicSiteUrlAdoption Cats", "Kennel": "", "SearchTypes": [ ", "ShelterBuddyId": 305907, "Size": { "Depiction": "Medium", { "Uri": "/api/v1/animalSizes/3", "Id": 3 }, Depiction: "AdoptionStatus": { "Depiction": "Adoption", "Uri": "/api/v1/animalSearchTypesanimalStatuses/43", "Id": 3 }, ]"Symbols": "/api/v1/animalSymbols?animalId=41639", "BondsTags": ["/api/v1/animalTags?animalId=41639", "Type": { "Depiction": "Cat", "Uri": "/api/v1/animalsanimalTypes/1868882", "Id": 2 }, "Weight": { "IdKilograms": 1868885.15, "Pounds": 11.353793 }, ]"ViewPublicSiteUrl": "", "Source": { "Date": "00012013-0108-01T0006T00:0015:0000Z" }, "AvailableForAdoptionFromYouTubeVideos": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"[] } |