HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Status Codes
Specified below is a list of HTTP Status codes an API implementer can expect to encounter when using the Public API.
200 "OK"
Conditions for use:
- The request was successful.
- Example: [GET] /api/v1/car/1
- Example: [PUT] /api/v1/car/1?name=Mazda323
- Example: [DELETE] /api/v1car/1 "Delete with a response"
201 "Created"
Conditions for use:
- The request to create was successful.
- Example [POST] /api/v1/car/?name=Mazda2
204 "No Content"
Conditions for use:
- The request to delete was successful and no further response will be return by server.
Example: [DELETE] /api/v1/car/1 "Delete no response"This http status has been deprecated in favour of returning 404 if the identifier not longer exists.
404 "Not found"
Conditions for use:
- The resource does not exist. Example: /api/v1/doesNotExists
- The member does not exist. Example: /api/v1/car/999999
- A delete request of a resource that no longer exists: Example DELTE /api/v1/car/1
403 "Forbidden"
Conditions for use:
- The request is not authorised to use the method.
400 "Bad Request"
Conditions for use:
- The request did not pass input validation.
418 "I'm a teapot (RFC 2324)"
Conditions for use:
- IE Point 6 or IE Point 7 is used to make the request.
429 "Too Many Requests"
Conditions for use:
- The request has exceeded the allowed limits of requests for a given time period.
500 "Internal Server Error"
Conditions for use:
- The request experienced an internal server error.
503 "Service Unviable"
Conditions for use:
- The server is not currently accepting requests.
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