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Technical Setup - setting up your technical framework and launching the shelter software. This includes your rescue site, iFrame code script, and pet listings. You will have your iFrame code script and listings available as soon as this step is completed and while you are going through onboarding for ease of keeping animals visible to adopters.

A. Profile Build: You will use the three elements below to create a new shelter inside of the admin site. Once you have filled out the information, you will copy and paste the ID and Password generated into the OnePassword system for future support needs and accessibility:

I. Hubspot CRM Company Record Information: Name of Shelter, Physical Address, EIN, Hours of Operation (We have accessibility to this without contacting client or adding to the below requests)

II. Shelter Information (contact needs to provide. We will collect this information via email and also by reviewing the shelter website): Shelter Description, Adoptions Inquiry Email, Shelter General Email, Language Preferences

III. Payment Gateway Setup - Default Stripe (contact needs to be made aware of steps needed to do this via email) : Shelter will use this link to create an account or login to an existing account. Once they have done this task then we will be able to see the information in our Adopets Stripe account and use that information to input in the Payments section of the shelter profile build inside of the admin website (steps to locate and find the Stripe account information and how to input into admin here). **If they are using a payment gateway outside of this, we will need to bring in a dev to be able to support and do this task.

B. Integration Settings: Once all of the above is created and the shelter is entered into the system, the shelter rescue site is ready to receive animals in the inventory via integration mapping. To be able to receive animals, you will need to collect the following from the client via email:

I. ShelterBuddy: animal filters (what animals do they want to visualize in their listings and inventory?) visibility filter (what animals do they want to visualize in their listings and inventory as hidden and as available?) status filter (what animal status from their shelter management system, such as “available for adoption” , “available for adoption - foster”) **Bonus for SB customers only: Status to Search Group Functionality (if multiple statuses needed to pull in, we can create a search group for them for both incoming and outcoming animals) Learn how to set up a search group in ShelterBuddy here.

II. PetPoint & Chameleon: animal filters (what animals do they want to visualize in their listings and inventory?) visibility filter (what animals do they want to visualize in their listings and inventory as hidden and as available?) status filter (what animal status from their shelter management system, such as “available for adoption” , “available for adoption - foster”)

Once above information is collected, then we can begin the integration mapping via the admin site. Follow these steps to be able to complete. Once the steps are completed, the mapping will be visible in the rescue site.

Customization & User Settings - this is setting up your company logos, social channels, and adding users. Additionally, this will include setting up your kennel cards and optional features such as products, kiosks, pet characteristics, and process tags.

A. Setting up your account theme: Adopets team will collect your logo, social channel links, and user list customize the rescue site. In training we will also advise you how to edit or change this on your own once fully launched.

B. Setting up personalization add-ons: Adopets team will help you fill out all additional open and selectable add-ons via email or a 30-minute call to walk through the system together. For team members, you will use the admin site as a guide to understand what is still outstanding. We will want to concentrate on kennel card setup, kiosk setup, products (optional), and educating the client on adopter/pet limits, process tags, and pet characteristics (available as attachments via email).

C. Setting up your staff and team member authorizations: before launching into training Adopets team will collect the user first and last name, email, and user level via email so it is set up pre-training. During training and general overview we will teach them how to edit or add users.

Training - this will be your pre-rollout activities. This includes receiving a general walkthrough, video review assignments, and scenarios visualization. In this step we also discuss and secure the official “Live” date of rollout of your adoption management system.

A. Software General Overview: This will be the first official meeting with client post-technical setup and customization to go over the general view of the software and to help understand what questions clients may have regarding the general layout, from here it will guide you to showcase the video support system and help them select which videos will be most beneficial to them.

B. Video and Supporting Documents Assignments: This will come in the form of an email in which we will share the selected videos, links to the library, and additional documents needed for their review. From here the email followup will be to decide which specific scenarios will help them understand the adoption management system outside of the default visualization exercises (processing an adoption start to finish, finding animals in the inventory, and running reports).

C. Scenarios Visualization: Specified training based on A&B that will prepare client for soft launch of the system.

Estimated time to complete - 2 hours

Roll-out LIVE - this will be your confirmed roll-out of adoption management system and utilization. Once you go through your soft launch phase you will be able to roll into your account management phase of your account in which we will manage together your abilities with the software including ongoing training, edits, and questions.

A. Soft Launch: This will be the designated date in which client and team decide to soft launch and try out the Adopets adoption management system. After this date client and Adopets account manager will discuss any pain points, ongoing questions, and gain feedback about the experience together via email.

B. Hard Launch: This wil be the designated date in which client will rollout officially the adoption management system and begin the account management trek for Adopets. A proper check in will happen 2 weeks post-hard launching of the system.

Estimated rollout times:

1 location - 4 weeks

Multiple locations/filtering needed - 6-8 weeks

*At times rollout times will be longer than 8 weeks depending on systems outside of ShelterBuddy and complexity of integration mapping requests.

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