Stripe - https://dashboard.stripe.com/login
Login using your credentials, saved in 1Password
Search adopter email using the search bar at the top of the screen
Select the adopter email and click “ ↩️ Refund” in the upper-right
Enter requested amount (
Dollar Amount
in Ticket)Select on the “Reverse the associated transfer” item, but not the application fee item. (see image)
Send PermaLink for receipt back to the original requester.
The PermaLink is in the receipt (toward the bottom of the transaction page).
Link to original Google Doc here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U8tbH5_72eoa5dkQgSvgQFdb552BehjFJJaqMsIguhg/edit?pli=1#bookmark=id.o7upv1at5f35 Next, if you can't find the transaction under the Adopets Stripe Account, you can:
Search for the organization by name in the search bar
Under the section Connected account, on the search results, it should show the orgs account
Click on the organization
Click 3-dots / ellipsis in the top right
Select "View Dashboard as this account"
On the newly opened page, the Client's Dashboard, you have a search bar - look for the email of the adopter