Datatypes & Naming Conventions

Our API's try to use the same standard across all endpoints.  Using our AnimalV2 endpoint as an example:

In terms of properties for posting, like our searchModel for the /animal/list post endpoint:

If a property ends in Id and has null as an example it accepts an integer value"PersonId": null,
If a property ends in Id and has empty brackes as an example it accepts an array of integers"PhysicalLocationId": [],
If the property has false then it accepts a Boolean being either “true” or “false"IsChipped": false,
Date properties have example values"UpdatedSinceUtc": "2019-08-25T14:00:00Z",
String properties have a string example"SearchTerm": "SearchTerm1",

These examples are also the same for the actual model returned by an end point, but there are also some other properties:

Properties with URI will mean there will be a URI to another endpoint to retrieve more details about the property

"Issuer": {

          "Name": "Name1",

          "Uri": null,

          "Id": 1
