ShelterBuddy Onboarding Jira Board Glossary

ShelterBuddy Onboarding Jira Board Glossary

The ShelterBuddy Onboarding Jira board contains all of the tasks needed to get a customer ready to use ShelterBuddy.

The board uses existing Jira fields to help filter and organize cards, but each one has an onboarding-specific definition. These fields are defined here.


Just Do It (DO)

We already have the info, so just go with it.

These are items that should be able to be done immediately upon winning the sale. Examples are data that are available publicly, data collected during the sales process, data housed in the CRM, and similar.

Collect & Do (COLLECT)

We should do these items for them, but they require their input before we can execute.

Task the Client (TASK)

These are items that are self explanatory. Like, “Add your users” with a link to their Administration Menu > Add Users is all they need. It’s common to add users to a new piece of software, and customers can expect to do this themselves.

An item is successfully tasked once a customer has clear instructions with expectation that this is their responsibility. These cards can be marked as closed once a customer has confirmed the action is done or once the evidence of the task is in their ShelterBuddy site.

Inform & Advise (INFORM)

These are areas where, historically we’ve offered them customization. Going forward, I’d like to let them know what the default settings are, how to update those in a guide or a direct link like “Request They Do,” and options to include this in their 1:1 training with their ShelterBuddy Account Manager.


Must Have

These are tasks required for core functionality of ShelterBuddy and should be done for every single site.


These are tasks that are optional for clients based on what they’ve purchased or how they’ll be using the software.

Modules and add-ons are “Normal,” as some shelters did not purchase these, so cannot be categorized as “Must Have.”

Use-case specific modules are also included here, like PetFinder integration. It’s optional, but is essential for shelters requesting their pets be listed there (even though this isn’t a paid feature).

Nice to Have

These are service items and modules that customers can voluntarily choose to avail themselves of, but we do not offer them by default.

If possible, we’d like to structure the onboarding to only do these if the customer specifically requests it or if it’s clear that they need concierge service.

Examples of this are 1:1 customization of specific features to match their use, additional training, and coaching on how to make the most of a specific feature.


Historically, onboarding was segmented into sections based on what part of the app a feature fit in. We group these by Category as that can help people do a linear onboarding.

Core Configuration

These are system-wide settings and details about their account


These settings and features apply to how animals are added to the system


These settings & features apply to medical treatments, vet services, and other items about animal health and medical practices done in the shelter.


These are settings that pertain to how animal fostering.


These settings help shelters organize how animals leave the shelter and include adoption, euthanasia, transfers, and more.


These are add-ons and functionality that has specific application to that shelter. In most cases, these are paid add-ons or use-case-specific fields that are manually turned on for the shelter.

Start & End Dates

This isn’t yet in use, but documentation is here for future consideration

As Epics become mutual action plans, assigning dates to key items, namely TASK and COLLECT, let us easily create a visual representation of where we expect a shelter’s onboarding to be on a specific date.

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