How to Customise Regions

How to Customise Regions

Customize Regions

Responsible Party: SB Onboarding

Regions in ShelterBuddy are discrete ‘physical locations,’ each with their own addresses. Most clients operate a single location, or Region. Large clients with multiple locations across a network so they can track internal transfers of animals between locations will have multiple Regions.


  1. Log into the client's site as the sbsupport user.

  2. Click on ‘System Options’ on the left-side menu.

  3. Click on ‘Regions.’

  4. For single-Region sites:

    1. Click ‘Edit’ next to the pre-existing Region (labeled ‘New Region’).

    2. Name - The client’s organization or shelter name (or address, if they prefer).

    3. Default selected - Indicates this region as the site’s ‘Default’ region. Ignore.

    4. Phone Number - The client’s primary organizational phone number.

    5. Address (Line 1) - The client’s organization name.

    6. Address (Line 2) - The client’s organization street address.

    7. Address (Line 3) - The client organization city, state, and zip code. 

    8. Country - The client’s organization country.

    9. State - The client’s organization state.

    10. Zip Code - The client’s organization zip code.

    11. City - The client organization’s city. 

    12. Email - The client’s primary organizational email. 

    13. Home Again Account - Only used if the client is uploading microchip data directly to Home Again. If so, include the provided Home Again Account number. 

    14. Click ‘Save.’


Single-Region Deep Link: https://testtoday.shelterbuddy.com/system/region/default.asp


  1. For multi-Region sites: (From Cameron: For multi region, just repeat the above!)

    1. Conduct the steps outlined above (step 3) for the organization’s primary Physical Location. Make sure the Region name matches the client’s preferred naming convention. 


Note: There are many interim steps under System Options > Customise Options that relate to their location, contact info, and preferred regional language.

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